

Raptors 201 Webinar

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Take your raptor identification to the next level! In this webinar we will take a closer look at how to distinguish raptors in the field, both perched and in flight. Once you know a few key patterns to look for, you will be pointing out several species of raptors to your friends and family in no time!

Please register using the link below at least 24 hours in advance. Once registered, you will recieve a Zoom link the morning of the webinar.

P.S. If you missed Raptors 101, you can find it on our YouTube channel!

Students engage in ‘epic’ season of bird banding at Barr Lake

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With over 1,400 birds banded this season and 64 species recorded, the 2015 fall migratory season at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies’ Barr Lake Banding Station was “epic” for both birds and kids. Nearly 1,400 students and over 400 adults visited the station. Experiences varied from preschoolers taking their first-ever field trip on a bus to ornithology students from nearby universities beefing up their bird identification skills.

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