Celebrating Accomplishments

2021 Fall Fundraiser

Coming together for birds!

Our 2021 fall fundraiser, Birds of a Feather, Together Again! was an incredible success. We flocked together and raised over $100,000 to support Bird Conservancy’s vision of a future where birds are forever abundant, contributing to healthy landscapes and inspiring human curiosity and love of nature!

Thank you for joining us and making the night one to remember!

The Richard G. Levad Award was presented at our fall fundraiser to Robert Penner, seen here with Executive Director Tammy VerCauteren and Board Member Jean Tate.

Thank you to Denver Museum of Nature and Science for hosting the fundraiser and to our sponsors for making this evening possible!

Featured Friends: Jeremy and Robyn Winick

Birds have been a common thread throughout Jeremy and Robyn Winick lives. Now with a special gift to Bird Conservancy of the Rockies Education Program they are honoring the life of a recently passed love one and nurturing future generations of bird enthusiasts.

Jeremy and Robyn first met in elementary school in the early 1950’s. It was there that a 6th grade teacher introduced the pair to the world of birds and the natural world. That early introduction led to group excursions to the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay with notable ornithologists and stints working in the Bird Department at the Smithsonian Institution. As their lives progress and they moved throughout the US for work, their enthusiasm and curiosity for the natural world stayed constant. Now retired and living on the Front Range, Jeremy and Robyn take part in many birding group activities. That early spark from a beloved educator so many years ago led to a lifelong passion for birds.

Jeremy’s brother Paul was also deeply interested in the outdoors but his life experience and motivations were different. Paul faced challenges fitting in with his peers, suffered from poor eyesight and also had agility difficulties. In his teen years he gravitated to hiking on the trails near the family’s home in Bethesda, Maryland. Paul sought nature as a personal refuge and a place where his challenges were lessened.

When Paul passed away in 2020, Jeremy and Robyn decided they would like to set aside a portion of his estate to make a gift in memory of their loved one. They wanted to honor Paul’s love of nature and also create opportunities for youth to benefit from immersion in the outdoors. They contacted Tyler Cash, Camp Manager at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.

“For as long as I can remember, my older brother, Paul Winick, had difficulty fitting in with his peers. He suffered from very poor eyesight, some agility issues and had difficulty in social settings. He liked to collect old books, especially those about history and politics, and liked to talk about local common birds like the Northern Mockingbird. In his teen years, he gravitated to hiking because it was more accessible to him. This is a picture from 1962, where Paul (center, white shirt) participated in a hike on the C & O Canal near where we lived in Bethesda, MD.  Many dignitaries attended, hoping to get the canal set aside as park land. In the photo, Paul is next to the famous liberal Supreme Court Justice, William O. Douglas (wearing the hat).”  ~ Jeremy Winick

“We were immediately impressed with Tyler Cash, his friendly manner, his birding knowledge and enthusiasm. We were most inspired by his engaging stories of the experiences he had at the summer camps with young birders. This made us realize how much just a week at camp could influence the entire direction of a young person’s life.”

Jeremy and Robyn met with Tyler and Sherry Nickolaus, Education Director, to explore how their gift to Bird Conservancy could be used to benefit children of all abilities. “We realize how important it is to keep and expand the love of birding to the next generations. We also realize our programs need to include emotional and behavioral diversity allowing young people of all abilities to find a safe and satisfying niche to expand their horizons in nature and the outdoors.

The Winick’s memorial gift will allow Bird Conservancy of the Rockies to further engage with diverse groups, hire ASL interpreters, and purchase the materials needed to serve the entire community. We look forward to honoring Paul’s memory and the generosity of Jeremy and Robyn Winick.

Our 2021 Supporters

Thank you to all donors of every amount including those donors who wish to remain anonymous.
Your gifts make a difference! The lists published below include those who made cumulative gifts of $50 or greater in 2021.

$2500 - $50,000

$50,000 and above
The Bobolink Foundation
Estate of Victoria Collier
Pattern Energy
Ed Warner and Jackie Erickson

Colorado Field Ornithologists
Ricketts Conservation Foundation

Jack and Leslie Ferguson
Knobloch Family Foundation
Larry Modesitt
Kathryn and Tim Ryan
Thornburg Foundation

Anonymous (1)
Dale Campau
Kevin Corwin
Dave and Mary Driscoll
Sidney E. Frank Foundation-Colorado Fund
Constance Hauver
Virginia W. Hill Charitable Foundation
New Belgium Brewing Company
Greg Penkowsky
Paul and Bea Sauer
Tammy and Kurt VerCauteren
Western Colorado Community Foundation/Colby’s Fund
Karen and Richard Yust

Tom and Isabel Abbott
John Barrow and Louise Chambers
Dirty Water Fund
Linda Hamlin
Meredith McBurney
Robert Righter
Share the View
Scott and Nancy Shaw
Sibley-Saltonstall Charitable Foundation
Randall Siebert and Glenda Brown
Sterling Ranch Development Company
Gregory and Stephanie Thomas
Western Colorado Community Foundation
(Conservation/Outdoor Rec/Environment Fund)
Jim and Marilyn Wilson

$1000 - $2500

Jim and Jill Anderson
Brad Andres and Heather Johnson
Anonymous (2)
Vince and Kathleen Auriemma
Bank of Colorado
Charles Bell
Brighton Legacy Foundation
Allan Casey
JW Cobb and BH Cobb
Eileen Day
Jennifer Durning
Doug and Elena Faulkner
Friends of Barr Lake
Peter and Yvonne Griffiths

Bill and JoAnn Hackos
Gary Hagopian
Linda Holthaus
Hugh and Urling Kingery
Eric Lane
Harold R. and Ann M. Logan
Bryan and Leslie Lorber
Kathanne Lynch
Mary and Gay Mayer
Pamela and Larry Meier
Randy and Nancy Morgan
Deborah Mowery-Evans
David and Karen Murphy
Ed and Meg Nichols
David Otis
Thomas Parchman

Pawnee Buttes Seed, Inc.
Erik Peters and Julie Horan
Nathan Pieplow
United Power
Melinda Quiat
Susan Skagen
Paul and Bea Slingsby
Garth and Sara Spellman
Judith Spiegel and Lawrence Wysocki
The Storied Brand
Catherine Symchych
John Taylor
Noreen Walsh and Mark Willms
Jack and Joan Whiting
Wild Birds Unlimited Fort Collins
Jon and Renee Zahourek

$500 - $999

Ammonite Swirls
Peter Ampe
Anonymous (5)
Sheila and Van Baker
Ronald Beane
Mary Beazley
Drew and Carrie Bennett
Greg and Amber Berning
Mike Bloom
Dan Brooke and Cheryl J. Teuton
David Charles and Katie Cattanach
Christina Clayton and Stanley Kolber
Isabelle Clement
Colorado Crane
Brian Currie
Kathleen Doyle
David and Ann Duey
Justin and Jill Fischer

Jillian Gibbs
Brian Glover
Mackenzie Goldthwait and Douglas Kibbe
Gregg Goodrich and Ann Troth
Dick and Barb Holme
The Home Depot Foundation
Charles Hundertmark and Marjorie Jannotta
Jax Mercantile Company
Bob Keller and K-Lynn Cameron
Nic and Mary Korte
Hod and Willa Kosman
Norman and Debbie Lewis
Point7 Group
Maria Ragucci
Roaring Fork Audubon Society
Brandt Ryder
Magnalena Rzyska
Ashley and Michael Seymour
Christine and Chris Sibona
Samuel Simpson

Elizabeth Smith
Guillaume Stordeur
Jeff and Gail Strobel
D. Jean Tate
Lynn Tennefoss
Sarah Toohey
Karen Uyeda and Doug Johnston
Debbie Vischer
Robert Warner
Tiffany and Chris Watts
Wild Birds Unlimited of Arvada
Wild Birds Unlimited of Aurora
Wild Birds Unlimited of Castle Rock
Wild Birds Unlimited of Colorado Springs
Wild Birds Unlimited of Denver
Wild Birds Unlimited of Highlands Ranch
Wild Birds Unlimited of Longmont
Steve and Joy Wooten
Emil Yappert

$250 - $499

Amazon Smile
Anonymous (4)
Suzie Barbour
George Belsey
Tim and Jackie Bennett
Beyond the Call Auctions
Diane Birks
Boulder Bird Club
Denise and Mark Bretting
Dara R Cohen
Christine Coolidge and Topher Martini
Cathleen Davenhill
Patricia Emmons
Lee and Linda Farrell

Steve and Nancy Fischer
Erik Foster
Mark and Katherine Fulford
Geoff Geupel
Celia Greenman
Dale Grosbach
Roxanne Hall
Reid and Debbie Hayhow
Alison and August Hazel
Matt Hogan
Chuck Hunter
Sue Jenkins
Melanie and Don Kirk
Ron and Ann Lambeth
Travis Leatherman

Michelle Loader
Linda Loftin
Jane Low
Debra Mallory
David and Jill McCloy
Nancy and John Merrill
Gregory Pavelka
David and Shelley Petroy
Joann Pettinicchio
Joe Pettit
Pamela Piombino
Christopher Reigrut
Chad and Carin Richardson
John Sanderson
Lani Sargent

Terri & Keith Schulz
Howard & Connie Siebenrock
Alan Smith
James R. Steverson
Stoldt Family
Jim and Kathleen Strickland
Kenneth Sturrock
Phil and Starr Teague
Mark Thorpe and Nina Rolle
Tracy Tomko
Anne Whitehurst
Thomas Wilberding
Jean Wilkie
Lloyd and Beverly Worth
William and Suzanne Wuerthele

$100 - $249

Aiken Audubon Society
Andrea Amato
Meredith Anderson
Anonymous (13)
Ronald and Deborah Anthony
Tudi Arneill
Sandra and Tore Arnesen
Donna Arnett
Margaret and Vincent Arp
Robert Backus
Lawrence Barker
Cynde Barnes
Betty Barton
Karen and David Baud
Toby V. and Stephen Bell
Frank and Carol Bennett
Joan Berg
Helen Berkman
Mary Ann Beverly
William Bevil
Ramesh & Suzanne Bhatt
Jason Bidgood
Ray and Kris Birkenkamp
Sondra Bland
Daryl Boller
Helen and Brewster Boyd
Rebecca Faith Bradford
Mary Brisson
Sylvia Budak
Jonathan and Zinta Byrne
Robert Camp
Mike and Stephanie Cash
Mary Cay and Tom Burger
Joel Chapa
Carole Cheley
Jamie and Will Chesser
Kara Coats
Carol Cochran
Caroline Collins
Dr. James and Mrs. Jeanette Commers
Lauren Connell
Gary and Sally Conover
Cindy Conway
Carol Cook
Frank H. Coons
Hal Corbett and Katie Curtiss
Anne Craig
Barbara A. Cummings
Charles Curlee
Lisa Dahl and Lee Salem
Marilyn Daily

Patricia Dalton
Tim and Janet Davis
Madeline Day
Deru Family
Jan Detrich
Chelsea Dey
Elizabeth Diamond
Gail Dignam
Pamela Dowd
John Drummond
Timothy Dudley
Becky Dunbar
Emmanuel Ergas
Anne Esson
Randolph Fischer
Glen Freundlich
Judith Friend and Nelson Chenkin
Andrea and Ed Furlong
John and Nelda Gamble
Jane and Thomas Gidlewski
Scott Gillihan and Brenda Martin
Monica Glickman
Suzanne Grady
C&C Gulbransen
Carolyn Gunn
Mace Hack and Rosie Zweiback
Jane Haddock
Ann and Jim Haggard
Jeremy Hakes
Alan and Gini Hale
Linda Hamlin
Susan Harris
Ellie Heble and Jason Lee
Michael and Janet Henwood
Mindy Hetrick
Thomas A. Hicks
Sue Ellen Hirshman
Sally and Jim Hodge
Jonathon Horn
Bonnie Hornfisher
Aaron Hultgren
Lee Huntington
Joel Hurmence
Diane Hutton
Lynn and Steve Jeffers
Dale and Diane E. Jones
Pat and Ed Joy
Jean and George Kachikis
Patricia Kelley
Alice Kenitz
Lisa Kerns

Kari Lamprech
Thomas Latousek
Erica Lawrence
Todd and Melissa Leasia
Kristina Lee
Carol Lehman
Lois and Mark Levinson
Barbara Lieberman
Lisa Livingston
Celia A. and Scott W. Manley
Valerie Martino
Barbara Masoner
Josette Mastra
Chuck and MB McAfee
Jan McHugh-Smith
Amy McKellar
Philip McNichols
Karen Metz
Michael Kiessig and Kacie Miller
Joshua Montague
Robert and Juanita Moston
Terri Mungle
Naseem Munshi
Carol Murin
Kathryn Mutz
Suzanne Neuman
Sherry and David Nickolaus
Christina Nugent
David Opperman
Cheryl Orwig
Jim Petri and Christie Owens
Arvind and Susan Panjabi
Manohar and Kim Panjabi
Tim Patnode
William Phillips
Cary Piecoup
Kenneth Piner
Amy and Todd Plummer
Sofia Prado-Irwin
Stephen and Suzy Price
Elaine Probasco
Randy and Susan Putnam
Anne Rapp
Ricki Ravitts
Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Rea
Julie Reeves
James Reisert
Jane Reverand
Marilyn Rifkin
Peter Robinson
Katherine Runnels
Kathryn Russell

Janet M. Ruth and David J. Krueper
Gail Ryder
Sampler Guide of the Rockies
Aleksei Saunders
Buzz Schaumberg
Jim and Karen Schmoker
Karleen Schofield
Julie and John Schroeder
Allison Shaw
John Shenot
Melodi Sheppard
Laura Shimmin
Diane and Harold Smethills
Mark Smith
Myron and Marguerite Smith
Betty Snow
Bob Steeter
David Steingraeber
Jean and Steve Stevenson
Robert and Nancy Stocker
Erick Stowe
Jeffery and Linda M. Stroup
Douglas Swartz
Dean and Pattie Swift
Martha-Ann Sylvester
Paul Tebbel
Jennifer Thomas-Kolbe
Katie Tiernan
Bryan Tointon
Candace Tomlinson
John Toolen
Rick and Adrienne Truex
Sally Updike
Ute Creek Cattle Company
Holly Valenta
Jean Van Loan
Julie Vannoy
Lynn and Ray Vaseleski
Linda Vidal
Peggy Wait and Lowell Baumunk
Sheila and Paul Walker
Donald Wallace
Jane Walsh
David Weber
Jannette Wesley
Diane White
Gary and Elizabeth P. White
Lisa and Paul Williams
Cynthia Williamson
Ann Yanagi
Julie Zahniser

Up to $99

Up to $99
Laurie Abelman
John Adams
Bonnie Adamson
Carol Anderson
Keith Anderson
Linda Andes-Georges
Anonymous (11)
Jane Axtell
Jean Bailey
Patrick and Vicky Barney
Anne Bartuszevige
Elizabeth Bennett
Ann Berlin
Chris and Sue Blakeslee
Jennifer Blakesley
Georgiana Bohlender
Susan L Bowles
Raymond Bridge
Brighton Options
Kerry Brookman
Broomfield Birding Club
Richard and Jacqueline Bruggers
Anna Buckardt-Thomas
Diane Buell
Sarah Burnett
Elaine Burritt
Lynne and Gary Caletti
Art Campfield
Kathleen and David Carr
Donald and Nadine Cassata
Emilia Chavez
Dina Clark
Virginia Claypoole
Deborah Clendenning
Joyce and Pascal Commercon
CW Coons
Kevin Corwin
Ava Cresanta
Doris Cruze
Elinda Dennis
Catherine Der
Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright
Nancy and Mike Diefenderfer
Christina Dooling
Linda and Edward Doran
Milan Doshi
Christy Dowling
Linda Elkin
Annikki Elkind

Terry Escamilla
Donna Feldman
Linda Ferris
Rebekah and Matthew Fisher
Loren Floming
Fort Collins Audubon Society
Michael and Molly Frank
Sarah Fraser
Ann Fremgen
David Galinat
Barbara Jean Gard
Jody Gardiner
Galen Gibson
Lisa Gills
Jason and Susan Goldman
Hazel Gordon
Amy Gossman
Susan Graham
Bob Grand
Nancy Greenlee
Steve Groeteke
Gary Gurtler
Jeanette Gutierrez
Paula Hagar
Deborah Hart
Jamey Hastings
Stephen Hebert
Paula Kaskie and Billy Helmich
David Hill
Renata Hill
Kelli and Geoff Hirsch
Duane Hope
Carole Hossan
Patrick Hub
Scott and Jan Hygnstrom
Jennifer Hyypio
Lois Illick
Kathy Imel
Louisa Irick
Salentha Isaacson
Barbara Jones
Barry Kaplan
Micki Kaplan
Jennifer Katz
Doreen Kazura
Lisa Kehaya
Mary and William Keithler
Christina Kennedy
Linda Kennedy
Chris Ketterhgen

Alicia King
Elizabeth Knees
Roger Koester
Alan Kreikemeier and Nora Bensko
Ann Kusic
Adrian Lakin
Karma Langer
Rebecca Laroche
Christopher Latimer
Suzanne Latimer
Linda Lee
The Lemmers
Kim Long
Barb Lovick
Phil and Mary Lyon
Cherie MacDonald
Sarah Macrander
Anika Mahoney
Cynthia Manley
Joseph Margoshes
Lynne Mason
Scarlett Massine
Jean McAuliffe
David McCullough
Michelle McKim
Janet McLachlan
Matthew McLaren
Anthony Miller
Brian and Karen Miller
Bill and Dana Milton
Libby Mojica
Scott Mosiman
John Nelson
David Newman
Marion Newman
Mark and Rebecca Niemeyer
Connie Ohlson
Prudence Pande
Debra Parisi
Gary Parsons
Robert and Linda Penner
Emily Perryman
Susan and David Peters
Carol Peterson
Carol Phelps
Kristen Philbrook
Christopher Pope
Rob Raker
Jennifer Ratico

Polly Reetz
Paul Rennix
Patricia Richmond
Steven Roels
Leonard and Rhonda Romano
Ellen Rosenberg
Jay Rowland
Duane Ruybal
Steve Ryder
Kate and Kyle Sandersen
Cathi Schramm
Nadia Schultz
Madeleine Scott
Barb and Keith Shader
Wendy Shattil
Janet and Jerry Shin
Cheryl Siefert
Signarama Brighton
Diane Sipe
Yvonne Slifka
Damon Smith
Gordon Smith
Kristy Smith
Marla Smith
Emily Snode-Brenneman & Adam Brenneman
Linda Spackman
Deborah Stanley
Kenneth Strom
Linda Stucky
Alice Tariot
Tobie Taylor-McPhail
Victoria Templeton
Daniel Teska
James and Lois Theilmann
Debra and Harold Tyber
Marin Untiedt
Monica Van Fleet
Darlene Velder
Mel VerCauteren
Jean Wagner
Cindy Wakefield
Sally Waterhouse
Bea Weaver
Tracy and Craig Webb
Anja Whitaker
J Roger White
Tom Will
Stacy Wolff
Michael Wright

In-Kind Donors

Thank you to our donors who made in-kind gifts to support our events and programs in 2021.

Aspen Skiing Company
Black Bird Public House
Brandt Ryder Photography
Breckenridge Grand Vacations
Butterfly Pavilion
Mallory Cash
Catbird Hotel
Colorado Ballet
Hot Corner Concepts
JAX Outdoor Gear, Farm and Ranch

Joel Sartore Photography
Kiowa Creek Ranch
New Belgium Brewery
Newman Center
Noppadol Paothong Photography
Ornithologi Studio
Outpost Sunsport
Nathan Pieplow
Rancho Largo Cattle Co.

Reefs to Rockies
Share The View Nature Photo Contest
Shattil/Rozinski Photography
Bea and Paul Slingsby
Stranahan’s Distillery
Swallow Hill Music
Tiffany Newton Photography
University of Denver
Vibe Concepts
Winery at Holy Cross Abbey
Zeal Optics

Making a difference for birds beyond your lifetime

Many of our supporters make lasting commitments by including Bird Conservancy of the Rockies in their wills, living trusts, retirement plans, life insurance policies or other estate plans. Estate gifts are a budget friendly, impactful way to leave a legacy of support that spans into future generations. Your actions today will contribute to the wellbeing of birds, people and land for years to come.

You can join the Golden Eagle Society by sharing with us that you have included Bird Conservancy of the Rockies in your estate plans. Click here to learn more about how you can join the Golden Eagle Society.

Click here to learn more about the Golden Eagle Society


We are honored to be included in the estate plans of the following donors and appreciate the opportunity to be part of their legacies.

John Barrow and Louise Chambers
Charles Bell
Kevin Bliss
Charles Chase
Judith Friend and Nelson Chenkin
Martha Dick
Deborah Hagood
Dick and Barb Holme
Kathanne Lynch
Meredith McBurney
Cynthia Melcher
Larry Modesitt
Jean Morgan
Randy and Nancy Morgan
Thomas Parchman
Robert Righter
Ed Warner and Jackie Erickson
Katheryn Whitesides